
Jean Claude Pace jirbaħ fil-Kampjonat Ewropew għall-Apprentisti 2023
Jean Claude Pace jirbaħ fil-Kampjonat Ewropew għall-Apprentisti 2023
Jean Claude Pace jirbaħ fil-Kampjonat Ewropew għall-Apprentisti 2023
Jean Claude Pace jirbaħ fil-Kampjonat Ewropew għall-Apprentisti 2023
Jean Claude Pace jirbaħ fil-Kampjonat Ewropew għall-Apprentisti 2023

Jean Claude Pace jirbaħ fil-Kampjonat Ewropew għall-Apprentisti 2023

Malta tirritorna bil-kbir fil-Kampjonat Ewropew għall-Apprentisti organizzat b’kollaborazzjoni ma’ l-Unjoni Ewropea tat-Trot. Ir-rebħa tall-ġerrej Malti inkurunat ġurnata mill-isbaħ għall-isport Malti speċjalment dak tat-iġrijiet taż-żwiemel. Il-Malta Racing Club huwa onorat illi ġie fdat bl-organizzazzjoni ta’ dan il-kampjonat prestiġjuż, li jofri spazzju fuq livell internazzjonali lill uħud mill-aqwa talenti fost is-sewwieqa apprentisi taż-żwiemel. Wara li Malta diġa` […]

Issir is-serata tal-għoti tal-unuri ta’ EquestriMalta

Issir is-serata tal-għoti tal-unuri ta’ EquestriMalta

Ilbieraħ filgħaxija saret is-serata tal-għoti tal-unuri ta’ EquestriMalta. Matul din is-serata, bosta atleti li jikkompetu f’diversi dixxiplini fl-isport ekwestru f’Malta ġew rikonoxxuti għall-kisbiet tagħhom matul is-sena 2022 kif ukoll ingħataw diversi unuri li jirrikonoxxu l-karriera ta’ individwi li llum m’għadhomx attivi. It-tliet dixxiplini prinċipali matul din is-serata kienu ‘Show jumping and Dressage’, ‘Polo’ u ‘Trot’. […]

Equestrimalta appoints new board

Equestrimalta appoints new board

As from the 15th of December 2022, a new Board of Directors has been appointed by Minister of Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation Dr Clifton Grima. The composition of this Board is as follows; John Huber – ChairmanDr Dean Hili – Deputy ChairmanMarisa Marmara` – Board Secretary Members:Dr Astrid CamilleriDesmond MizziAnthony DemanueleMario BaldacchinoDr Philip […]

Galeo Du Portugal wins Qatari Sports Day Final

Galeo Du Portugal wins Qatari Sports Day Final

The eighth meeting of the season which was held on Sunday afternoon at the Marsa Racetrack, included the heats and the final of the Qatar Sports Day Championship for class Copper trotters on a mile distance. The final race was won by Galeo Du Portugal and Kirsten Axisa. Sunday’s card included also three semifinal races […]

Il-Finali tal-EquestriMalta Tazza tal-President se ssir il-Ħadd 13 ta’ Novembru

Il-Finali tal-EquestriMalta Tazza tal-President se ssir il-Ħadd 13 ta’ Novembru

It-tieni l-aqwa unur fil-kalendarju tat-trot Malti hija t-Tazza tal-President li bħas-sena l-oħra qed terġa tkun appoġjata finanzjarjament mill-Awtorità tal-isport ekwestru EquestriMalta. Kemm iċ-Chairman ta’ din l-Awtorità l-Imħallef Emeritu Antonio Mizzi kif ukoll il-Kap Eżekuttiv Max Zammit saħqu li huwa ta’ unur li EquestriMalta tassoċja ruħha ma’ kompetizzjoni li apparti li hi tal-ogħla livell u toffri […]

EquestriMalta National Championships

EquestriMalta National Championships

The competition season for 2022-2023 kicks off the with the EquestriMalta National Championships. Horsemanship will be judged across two disciplines – dressage and show jumping, with 10 competitions held throughout the season – five in dressage and five in show jumping. Horse and rider combinations will be awarded points for placings in any of the […]

Maltese success in Malta-Estonia Friendship races

Maltese success in Malta-Estonia Friendship races

The 13th meeting of the year which was held on Sunday afternoon at the Marsa Racetrack included two international races between Maltese and Estonian drivers. These races were organised on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishing of the bilateral relations between Malta and Estonia and were won by two Maltese drivers, Rodney […]

Launch of the EquestriMalta Cawnpore Cup

Launch of the EquestriMalta Cawnpore Cup

The Cawnpore Cup is still, decades later, the most prestigious match of the year.Thirteen Cups are played annually in order to qualify for the Cawnpore Cup, which is contested by the eight highest handicapped players, and has with the exception of the war years been held in June of each year since 1901. The Cawnpore […]

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