The Cawnpore Cup is still, decades later, the most prestigious match of the year.
Thirteen Cups are played annually in order to qualify for the Cawnpore Cup, which is contested by the eight highest handicapped players, and has with the exception of the war years been held in June of each year since 1901. The Cawnpore Cup is one of the oldest trophies in the world, having been manufactured in India in 1901.

The Malta Polo Club will be hosting this most prestigious and final match of the season, ‘EquestriMalta Cawnpore Cup’, at Malta Equidrome, on Saturday, this year with the support of Malta’s new equine authority, EquestriMalta.
President George Vella, will present the Cawnpore Cup to the winning team. The club will once again support the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation.

More info can be found on Facebook @maltapoloclub and website